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Thursday 2 March 2017

6 Places To Buy Domain Names

If you’re new to blogging and just considering choosing your domain name, you might feel like all domain registrars are the same. However, there are a lot of factors that you need to consider first. A lot of pitfalls to avoid and other factors that make some registrars better than others.
 Domain Names
For instance, consider GoDaddy. Now, GoDaddy is a great registrar – “the daddy of all domain registrars”. However, on the surface it might seem like you’ll only pay $1.99 for a .com domain per year. In real sense, using the service will cost you $10 on the first year and up to $15 for each of the following years. That sounds like upwards of 1000% in hidden costs. But if you consider what else comes with GoDaddy, you might see that it’s actually worth it.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

6 Places To Buy Domain Names

If you’re new to blogging and just considering choosing your domain name, you might feel like all domain registrars are the same. However, there are a lot of factors that you need to consider first. A lot of pitfalls to avoid and other factors that make some registrars better than others.

6 Places To Buy Domain Names

If you’re new to blogging and just considering choosing your domain name, you might feel like all domain registrars are the same. However, there are a lot of factors that you need to consider first. A lot of pitfalls to avoid and other factors that make some registrars better than others.

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