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Saturday 25 February 2017

WhatsApp Status update: 5 reasons why people are not liking it

1. Where's my  good old status? Well, that is the question everyone has on their minds. WhatsApp has removed the old status update feature that people used with their profile photo. The app after the update, no more shows the old status. Instead you can now only see your username and the phone number.

To all those people who used their status as a subtle medium to inform their contacts about their absence or availability in town, WhatsApp's new feature won't help them.
2. WhatsApp's new status update has no place for words. This is the second big problem with this update. The new WhatsApp Status update allows you to share photos, videos and Gifs but no texts. You cannot 'post' any text Status, which is rather strange. If you want to say something you have to say it with photos.
3. Love, heartbreak and friendship in just 24 hours.This is what the new WhatsApp feature wants from you. The new update does not allow you to post text messages. At the same time, it also won't let you keep the status for more than 24 hours. In simple words you have to post updates every morning if you want your contacts to know that you're on holidaying in Malaysia and they should not call you. So every morning you have to wake up and religiously post a new Status.
4. Where's the contacts list? This is another big question users have on their minds. Do you remember the old-looking WhatsApp? If yes, then you would also remember that there used to be a contacts tab just next to the Chat tab.  Try finding the tab now. The updated WhatsApp no more shows the contact tab where you could find all your contacts. Instead, it now shows message logo at the bottom which if you touch takes you to the 'select contact' page where you find all your all contacts. This is unnecessarily complicating the simplest thing.
5.  WhatsApp is now like Instagram, Snapchat, it's social media app. WhatsApp was once a haven for those looking for private  and one-to-one conversations and liked to stay away from the PDA of Facebook, Snapchat or Instagram. WhatsApp was adored for being a messaging app only but today it looks more or less similar to the other photo-sharing apps likes Instagram or Snapchat. So why do we need it?

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